Monday, November 8, 2010

Challenge Day 03 - Your Parents

(I've fallen behind with my blog challenge, hopefully I can catch back up within the next few days.)

Jim and Sue Burkey.

Happily married for more than twenty-seven years (? sorry dunno if that is correct) and parents for almost twenty-five years.

Dad is the quiet one, but whenever he speaks it is full of knowledge or laughter. He does the funniest things and really gets me laughing when he does them. Example: Pressing the “brew” button on the tea machine in the cafeteria at work, expecting to get some more tea. However he didn’t think to check where the tea came out of and he started making a mess. The cafeteria people got mad at him for pushing the button. He does stuff like this all the time and it gets even funnier each time. Dad is a huge Redskins fan, and most of conversations consist entirely of our favorite football team. He also taught me everything I know about playing guitar – and I thank him sincerely for doing that and allowing me to experience the awesomeness of several bands.

Mom is the talkative, caring one. She is always wondering how things are and always wanting to hear about my day. She has taught me how to love and care for individuals as I grew up and has always been there for me when I need her. I don’t have many funny stories about my mom, most of the time we are laughing about something my dad did. She is a huge Aerosmith fan, and got me into loving music at a young age. Again, I thank her for this because it led to me playing guitar and experiencing the music industry shortly.

They go perfectly together and have been great examples of how a parent should raise their child. They have been one of the rare couples that have stayed married, and I applaud them for that.

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