Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Penny's First Laugh

A babies first laugh is one of the most beautiful things a father could hear in his lifetime. It doesn’t matter what kind of mood he is in, that first laugh can take away any pain or irritation and put a huge smile on his face.

I’m not talking about a little squeal or a huge smile. I’m talking about the laugh that comes from the belly, a real laugh. You know what I’m talking about, one of those laughs that you let out when you are watching Will Ferrell shakin’ n’ bakin’ in Talladega Nights or Chris Farley screaming as he is rolling down a hill.

We as adults take those laughs for granted, not really paying attention to when somebody really lets one out. However a parent always notices when a baby does it for the first time or when a young child gets the giggles that make them slap their knees. We take those moments and we bottle them up and cherish them, always remembering them as they happened.

Today was that day for my little Penny Lane, at 3 months 1 week and 5 days she continuously let out a chuckle felt from the gut. As she lay on her changing table after a nice warm bath she watched wide-eyed as Brittany made silly faces and noises. Micah and I were getting ready to play the Wii, and were lightly arguing over what pajamas he should wear when we heard it.

Everyone stopped and listened and she brought all of us to a silence. Then, after a moment we all smiled and watched her as Brittany kept making her laugh, over and over. Micah got those giggles that made him slap his knee, and Brittany and I laughed together.

Penny’s first laugh was wonderful and is only one of the many things I will experience with my family as a new father. Just that thought makes me smile and want to continue to live my life for her, for Micah and for Brittany.

Life is good as we near the holiday stretch.

Just for fun, here is a funny video of Penny from yesterday just having a conversation with Brittany and I.

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